7 Biggest Blogging Mistakes That You Should Avoid - SceneLinkList - Read Latest Articles Daily!

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17 June 2020

7 Biggest Blogging Mistakes That You Should Avoid

Who doesn't want to be a successful blogger?

However, to become successful with blogging, you have to write blogs. A lot of them.

You have to learn how to write a blog that is not only better than others but also converts better.

Writing a blog is fun, but if you are serious about making it profitable then you should avoid some of the biggest blog writing mistakes.

1. Plagiarism:

The first mistake that you should avoid is plagiarism. You should not copy an article or blog from someone else. Plagiarism is probably the biggest mistake that can make your blog fail.

Getting articles from someone’s website is easy. Why should you bother writing your own when the internet is full of resources?

But Google takes plagiarism very seriously. If it finds plagiarism in your article, it can even stop indexing your website.

2. Writing Bluntly:

The second mistake is not writing anything good. This is one of the most common mistakes among people who start a blog naively.

Getting organic traffic from search engines is very difficult. It took me more than 3 months and 20 articles to receive my first organic traffic from Google. So, if I don’t provide them with quality content, there is no meaning to writing blog articles.

It is always better if you use articles and blogs that are similar to your blog topic so that readers find it easier to follow.

But sometimes you cannot avoid this mistake, because there are also people who will want to be in front of the new trend of blogging.

But shifting from your niche could be very harmful to your blog.

3. Not Managing Your Blog Properly:

The third mistake that you should avoid is that you do not manage the blogs properly.

If you are not aware of what is going on in your blog, you should take a look at the comments and the posts and find out how you can improve your blogs. This is very important because there are many blogging mistakes that you can avoid by just checking your responses.

4. Not Doing Research Properly:

Another mistake that you should avoid is that you do not know how to research before you write your articles.

Every article should start with keyword research and competition analysis. You have to spend time looking for the keywords that you want to optimize your blog for. This will help you rank well in the Google search engine.

Writing without doing proper keyword research is like sailing a boat without a destination.

5. Not Reviewing Your Blog Articles:

Next, you need to read through the posts carefully. If you can find out all the mistakes that the other people who are having a blog have made, you can avoid these problems as well.

By taking the time to read your blogs carefully, you will be able to see if there are some mistakes like grammatical mistakes. You can also review if there are some topics that are already overused and that you can delete them from your blog.

6. Not Using Catchy Title:

You have to be careful with the titles of your blogs. The titles are crucial because readers decide if the blog is related to their interest or not.

Make sure that you write titles that attract your readers.

Moreover, the title is the first gateway that your readers will encounter. Make it friction-less.

7. Not Using Social Media Properly:

Social media is the best way for you to share your blog. You have to be aware of the social media sites that can drive huge traffic to your website.

If you write job-related articles use LinkedIn. For fashion blogs use Pinterest. For general topics use Facebook.

There are several blogs that heavily rely on social media. So, avoiding them could be a huge mistake for new blogs.

With their use, you will be able to share your blog not only with your friends and family but this will help you to get new readers.


If you want to become successful in online marketing, you have to make sure that you will always put your best effort in your blogs. By doing this, you will not only be able to promote your blog but will be remembered by the readers.

To do this, you have to make sure that you publish regularly. You have to make it a habit to post your blog twice in a week so that you make it more visible to the readers.

Finally, managing a successful blog is fun. But it needs effort and patience.

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