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18 August 2020

Child Life Specialists: Things to Know for Your Child's Best Care

Every year, a large number of kids or children in our country get admitted to the hospital for illness, injury or other life-threatening diseases. It is quite obvious that the families of the child patients desperately need guidance and the best care for their children.

This is why certified child life specialists are very important in hospitals. Who are the child life specialists? Child life specialists are well-trained experts who offer techniques to reduce the fear and stress for the child patient and their families. In a word, child life specialists work with the patients and their families to fight with the diseases and it's an effect in life. There are many hospitals all over the world that keep the child life specialist team. You can also get some best child hospitals in Kolkata who are providing a child life specialist team for the patients and their families.

Here are some other important things you should know about child life specialists.

What do the Child life specialists do for child patients?

Child life specialists reduce the fears

In a hospital, a child life specialist plays a crucial role in reducing the fear and stress in the patients and their families. They help ill children and their families to cope with the challenges. Child life specialists always try to reduce the anxiety that the patients and their families are experiencing. Their goal is to provide positivity in the patient’s mind. Child life specialists also help to recover the trauma.

Child life specialists provide care

Once a child patient gets admitted to the hospital with a life-threatening disease, the child life specialists meet with the family of the patient to provide relief and information related to the diseases. The child life specialists team provides educational activities related to the medical; setup for the child’s treatment. They also help to break down the complex medical jargon, the diagnosis, and the process of the treatment.

Child life specialists provide care for children of all ages

Don’t assume that child life specialists provide care for only young children. They offer care for children of all ages who are suffering an injury, illness, and life-threatening diseases.

Child life specialists help the child to play and be happy

For a child, the hospital is the most boring and unhappy place. So, the child life specialist always tries to make the child happy in the hospital. They provide developmentally appropriate activities to the ill children. They also provide different types of therapeutic play and fun activities for the children so that they can enjoy their stay at the hospital. This will also reduce the fear and anxiety in the children undergoing painful treatment. Child life specialists provide painting sessions, music therapies, and gaming time for the child patient so that they can enjoy a normal life while getting treatment for their illness.

Child life specialists are an important part of the medical team

Child life specialists play an important role in the medical team assigned to the child patient. Both the teams work together for the child patient. The child life specialists and the medical team coordinate the medical procedure and care for the child. The child life specialist coordinates with the medical to help the child’s family understand the whole treatment process. They also work together with the medical team to offer procedural tours, and resources to the patient.
What to look for while choosing a hospital with Child life specialists

If you are the parents or family members of an ill child, then you should choose a hospital that has the team of Child life specialists. There are some other points you should know while choosing a kid-friendly hospital. Here you go:

Child life specialists should be well trained and certified

If your child is not well, and you want to take special care of your baby in the hospital, then choose a hospital that has this facility. Make sure the child life specialist in the hospital is certified and well trained. They should have a degree and experience in fields such as psychology, human growth, and development, education, or counseling.

Child life specialists should be experienced

The child life specialist should complete hundreds of hours in a clinical internship in a pediatric setting under a certified Child Life specialist. They should be experienced to manage any situation. Thus, the team can support the children and families throughout the healing process. This will also ensure the proper care and treatment for the children in the hospital.

Lastly, remember, illness, injury, and accidents are part of life. Your dearest children can suffer from these at any point in their life. If they face any illness or injury, then make sure you choose the right hospital that has the best Child life specialists team. This way, you can provide the best care for your children. This type of initiative can also reduce your stress level and anxiety, which is very important to start a farm in front of your ill child.

Author Bio: Valentina is graduated with honors from The Ohio State University College of Dentistry in 2010. She is a professional writer since 2018 and a medical patient care coordinator at the Newtown clinic.

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