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8 August 2021

5 Top Jobs for MBA Graduates

 Here in this article, you’ll get a chance to explore 5 Top Jobs for MBA Graduates.

1. Marketing Manager

Marketing managers are often needed by struggling companies, and this is why they have remained in demand during the pandemic according to Marie Gould Harper of the American Public University System's Boston School of Business.

She explained that the pandemic made many industries wonder if they are well-positioned or just tread water.

This is where a savvy marketing manager can be an asset. One must have the ability to think up new ideas and create a plan to help you test the markets in order to decide which direction to take for the New Normal.

Marketing managers are required in almost every industry because every company has a product/service it wants to sell. They are often paid six-figure salaries. According to the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (or BLS), the median annual salary for U.S. marketers was $136,850 in May 2019.

Marketing managers oversee the company's marketing campaigns and coordinate the efforts with its marketing staff. They are also responsible for determining the demand for a product or service, and who may be interested in buying it. These business executives may also be involved in setting prices or helping to decide if a business idea might be viable. These business executives often have strategies to increase sales and attract customers.

Check out India's exclusive Executive MBA for Working Professionals and Entrepreneurs by IIT Bombay and Washington University in St. Louis.

2. Medical and Health Services Manager

The COVID-19 epidemic has created enormous logistical challenges for health care organizations and they need skilled managers to deal with them.

Managers of medical and health services manage various types and types of health care facilities. Their job is to maximize quality and minimize cost. They must keep meticulous records and ensure compliance with all regulations.

According to the BLS, the median salary of these professionals was $100,000. This prediction is based on the BLS's prediction that this field will see 32% more employment in 2029 than in 2019.

3. Management Consultant

Management consultants who have been MBA-trained can assist companies at critical turning points in their development, or when they are facing major challenges. These executives may struggle to solve problems and want an outsider's view. A management consultant's job is to evaluate the situation and recommend a solution. This consultant can work alone or under the supervision of a management consulting company.

Tim Rowley is the chief operating officer, chief technology officer, and chief operating officer at PeopleCaddie. This online platform matches temporary workers with employers. He suggests that management consulting could be a viable career option right now.

Rowley, who holds an MBA from Stanford University Graduate School of Business, stated in an email that consulting has proven resilient in the face of the pandemic.

Rowley states that management consulting firms have proven to be able to withstand market downturns repeatedly. These firms are often sought after by clients in good times to help them develop growth strategies. They can help you with strategies to deal with any adversity.

Consulting Group - is roughly $165,000. Many of them receive a substantial signing bonus and are often eligible for performance-based bonuses or other benefits.

The starting salaries of MBA-trained consultants working at Big Three consulting firms rose in mid-2019 but the entry pay has remained flat, according to the Salary Report.

4. Financial Manager

COVID-19 caused an increase in expenses and a decrease in revenue for many businesses. It was difficult to balance the books over recent months. Therefore, it was necessary to find creative cost-cutting methods.

Many financial managers are excellent investors and are trained to solve cash flow issues. Rowley notes that banks have performed exceptionally well during the pandemic. He also points out that bank stock prices are at their highest level in years.

A company can't function without money and one that doesn't spend well is likely to fail. Financial managers, the business executives responsible for monitoring a company's finances and deciding where to invest their money, are often highly paid.

According to the BLS, the median annual salary for a financial manager was $129 890 in May 2019. These professionals are expected to have 15% more jobs by 2029.

5. Manager Business Operations

Many companies have had to adapt their operations due to social distancing measures that were implemented during the pandemic. Some have moved from an entirely remote work environment to one with 100% staff. This transition is being overseen by many companies, which are looking for leaders.

A business operations manager can address the logistical issues that result from consumers buying products and services online, rather than in person. This position is responsible for managing deadlines and ensuring quality standards in order to maximize company efficiency.

According to the BLS, this sector is expected to grow by 5.8% between 2019-2029. The median income for business operations managers was $100780 as of May 2019.

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